Jack's Cues

Jack will learn cues throughout his working career and may add more later.  We are not going for a record number of learned cues since many of these cues can be combined, like Left Around and Right Around for going around something in a certain direction.  What we are doing is building a working vocabulary for Jack that will make it possible to learn new behaviors based off of known ones when they are needed.

Jack does not know all of these cues yet, but will over time.

The Basics

JackTurn and look at who called my name and give eye contact (focus)
MannersTurn away and don't touch, pick up or sniff what I am looking at.
SitFold up my back legs and put my bottom on the ground
FlatPut my elbows, belly and hips on the ground
DownGet off of what I am on
ComeRun to my handler when my name is called or they say Come
ChillSettle down and relax
StandStand in place without moving my feet/stand up without stepping forward or backward or sideways
BackStep back several steps
LeftTurn left
RightTurn right
BehindGo behind my handler
AroundGo around something
StayDon't move or change position
WaitPuase but I can change position
Let's GoStart walking with my handler
Hit The RackGo to a mat and lay on it until released
CrateGet in my crate
Load UpJump in Car, on scale or in tub
HeelMove to my handler's left side and face the same way they are
SideMove to my handler's right side and face the same way they are
FrontSit in front of my handler facing them
RattleShake off as if to release tension or remove water from my fur
PottyGo to the bathroom when told

Service Dog Cues

Take Ittake what is offered in my mouth
Hold ItHold the item in my mouth
Give ItGive the item in my mouth
Get ItPick something up and give it to my handler
Bring ItBring what I have to my handler
LookLook at my feet or on the floor for something to pick up
LeashPick up my leash and give it to my handler
PullPull something with my mouth
PushPush something with my nose
FridgeOpen the fridge
Close ItClose something with my nose
Flip Itflip up the dishwasher door with my nose
Punch ItHit something hard with my front feet
PawGive my paw or put my paw on something
TouchPut my nose on something
LightTurn on or off a light
Find ItFind something
GoA moving command like "Go Give to" for delivering notes or giving an item to someone
Go InGo under a table or in my crate or even through tubes for agility
ShoesGo get my handler's shoes
SocksRemove my handler's socks
BasketPut an item into a basket or trashcan
TurnTurn 180 degrees from where I am facing
Keep GoingKeep looking for an item
That's ItFound item, wait for instructions
DingStart a search by placing my nose on items until told I found it
Paws UpPut my paws up on the counter or wall or my handler and wait for instruction
Step Up/Instep onto or into something
In CloseMove closer to my handler


ShakeGive my paw to someone so they can shake it
High FiveTouch someones palm with my paw
SpinTurn left 360 degrees
TwistTurn right 360 degrees
Where's Jack?Peek up between someones legs
Tada!Take a bow
BangPlay dead

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